Friday, January 20, 2012

Huge Changes!

Back in the summer I went so far over the top. I was hitting fullswing sandwedges 20 yards. I started working real hard on trying not go over the top by working on tons of drills that my dad Ted Eleftheriou gave me. I practiced almost everyday and started not going as much over the top as before. We tried so many drills and practiced so long on the range. Even though I was hitting it very bad at times and good at times I still hung in there and tried fixing it. Then one day I started going inside. My elbow was finally dropping to my side and I was hitting it better. I kept working on it even when I thought I got it. It took me four months to fix. Now I am doing great. I am now hitting fullswing sandwedges 100 yards. Even though it was really tough at times I still hung in there and I am doing amazing now. I am so glad I never gave up! Check in to see what I'm doing next time.


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